
Free Webinar: Academic Programmes in Drug Treatment and Prevention at Paraguayan Universities

Shared by Livia - 23 January 2020
Originally posted by Edie - 23 January 2020
Event Date
Event Type


Academic Programmes in Drug Treatment and Prevention at Paraguayan Universities: Implementation of the UPC and UTC Curricula.

Join us as our esteemed presenters explain the complex drug problem in Paraguay and a review of the educational offerings in the subject of Addictions and drug demand reduction in the country. By looking at the resulting numbers, they present some ideas to reflect on the relationship between the DDR training needs at the University level of the country and the opportunities for inclusion of topics / contents related to the problem of addictions. 

Presented by

Diana Lesme Romero, PhD.
Maria Cecilia Munoz Perez, MSc.
Graciela Barreto Castro, PhD.
Catholic University, Asuncion, Paraguay

Moderated by

Roger Hugh Peters, PhD.
The University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, US

Date and Time

Please note the new time
Fri Jan 31 @ 7 - 8:30 PM GMT 
2:00 - 3:30 PM EST

No pre-registration is required!

Katherine Susa…

Actualmente se ofrecen modelos de tratamiento de corte breve que tiene como principal objetivo evitar el desarrollo de la dependencia severa en personas que consumen alcohol, tabaco o drogas ilegales, todos ellos sustentados en la Teoría Cognitivo Social, por decirlo así como se da consultas y tratamientos externos, sin necesidad de que el paciente pase por un internado a excepción de que este lo pida, sin embargo en un paciente de consumo problemático y con bajo recurso económico, ¿cómo sería la técnica a aplicar?