Karen Belanger

Observed Issues Resulting from Drugs in the Workplace

Karen Belanger - 21 February 2020

Observed Workplace Issues – Indiana Business Survey

These data are from a survey of employers in the U.S. state of Indiana.  The employers were asked to identify which problems they experienced in their workplaces. Respondents could check all that apply.


Employers who observed a substance misuse issue - 80%

The substance misuse issues identified by the employers were as follows:

  1. Use of Rx painkillers at work - 59%
  2. Positive drug tests for prescription - 41%
  3. Absenteeism or missed work - 41%
  4. Family member affected - 40%
  5. Impaired/decreased job performance - 35%
  6. Borrowing or selling Rx drugs at work - 23%
  7. Complaints to Human Resources/negative morale - 19%
  8. Near miss or injury due to Rx drug use - 19%
  9. Arrest on/off the job - 10%
  10. Overdose - 5%

Employers who did not observe a substance misuse issue - 20%


Key data highlighted here include:

  • 80% of employers experienced problems – only 20% did not.
  • 41% or a little less than half have drug testing in place and identified employees who failed the test.
  • 41% reported problems with family members. This shows how drug misuse impacts employees who may not be using themselves, but whose work performance is affected by family issues.


Have you observed substance misuse issues at work?  If so, what were they?  How did you handle the issue?  If you did not observe substance misuse issues at work, what deterrents were in place?