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Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez

Cannabis use during pregnancy, UTC for healthcare professionals

Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez - 2 May 2020
To read the full text of the in-depth manual of the UTC for healthcare professionals, please visit:


The maternal consumption of cannabis during pregnancy can produce restrictions on fetal growth and lower birth weight, which is more noticeable with continuous exposure. In comparison with unexposed fetuses, there are reports of reduction in fetal weight gain of -14.44 g per week and skull circumference of -0.21 mm per week in exposed individuals (CONACE, 2010). The results from a recent meta-analysis (Gunn, 2016) also report an increase in the risk of low birth weight and the probability of requiring intensive care, as well as a more significant risk of anemia for mothers.



CONACE. (2010). Mujeres y Tratamiento de Drogas. Santiago, Chile: Consejo Nacional para el Control de Estupefacientes.


Gunn, J. K. L., Rosales, C. B., Center, K. E., Nuñez, A., Gibson, S. J., Christ, C., & Ehiri, J. E. (2016). Prenatal exposure to cannabis and maternal and child health outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open.


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