
Durante o segundo semestre letivo deste ano, 1.300 alunos da rede municipal de ensino  de Londrina (PR) puderam aprender mais sobre as medidas preventivas às drogas. Isso porque eles participaram do Programa Educacional de Resistência às Drogas (Proerd), do Batalhão de Patrulha Escolar (BPEC), da Polícia Militar do Paraná (PM), em parceria com a Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SME).
Season's greetings to all our members Wishing you a happy and healthy 2020! It's been a wonderful year for us at ISSUP, but we couldn't have done it without you, our loyal members.
On November 10th the National
د 4 a 7 dezembro de 2019, na cidade de Águas de Lindóia/SP, Brasil, foi realizado o 6 6 Congresso Internacional Freemind.
بر اساس طرح کمیته غیررسمی (کمیته Ad-Hoc)، تاسیس ISSUP اندونزیا در ماه می 2020، پس از تشکیل و ایجاد یک هیئت رسمی سازمان با توجه به برنامه ها و فعالیت های استراتژیک در کوتاه مدت، میان مدت و بلند مدت در ماه فبروری 2020 در جاکارتا افتتاح و راه اندازی خواهد شد.
A preparatory meeting was held on 29th November 2019 at UYDEL office and they discussed about recruitment of members, updating of Uganda ISSUP website, the work plan for 2020, Launch of the ISSUP Chapter in April 2020 and future plans. The meeting also agreed to hold an initial meeting with identified members on 12th of December 2019 to get more input from members on the best way to run the ISSUP Chapter.
Do you have research you would like published in an English language journal but need some help getting it prepared?  Our writing collaborative facilitated by journal editor Richard Pates could be just what you need to get it done!
شصت و سومین نشست کمیسیون مبارزه با مواد مخدر سازمان ملل متحد در وین اتریش، 2 تا 6 مارچ 2020 برگزار خواهد شد. این رویداد شامل سیاست گذاری سازمان ملل متحد با مسئولیت نخست در مسائل مربوط به مواد مخدر است.