Prevention Insights | Martha Givaudan Moreno
Prevention Insights | Lorena Contreras Escudero
Prevention Insights | Gregor Burkhart - 2
Prevention Insights | Gregor Burkhart - 1
Prevention Insights | Zili Sloboda
Prevention Insights | Michal Miovsky
Prevention Insights | Beatriz Carlini
Prevention Insights | Harry Sumnall
Prevention Insights | Juliana Mejia-Trujillo
Prevention Insights | Ken Winters
Prevention Insights | Peer Van Der Kreeft
Prevention Insights | Rachele Donini
Prevention Insights | Augusto Perez-Gomez
Prevention Insights | Eric Carlin
Prevention Insights | Richard Mackenzie
Global Perspectives on Recovery: Evidence-Based Practices, Women's Lived Experiences, and the Role of Peer Service Providers in SUD Treatment
LOOKING BACK: The 3rd ISSUP Philippine National Conference
The ISSUP Philippine Chapter, alongside our Partner Organizations the Quezon City Local Government Unit (QCLGU) and the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), had sucessfully held the 3rd Philippine National...
Development of a Personalized Feedback Intervention Targeting Pain-Related Anxiety for Adults Reporting Hazardous Drinking and Chronic Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Individuals with chronic pain are more likely to engage in hazardous alcohol use compared to the general population. Despite this increased risk, they are an underserved group regarding targeted interventions. There is a pressing need to...
Seasonal Variations in Treatment Seeking for Alcohol Use Disorder in the Total Danish Population
A significant number of individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD) do not seek treatment, and the factors influencing treatment-seeking behavior are not well understood. While it is known that alcohol consumption levels can fluctuate with...
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