Profile picture for user augustonogueira Augusto Paulo Valente Nogueira ARTM - Association of Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers of Macau
Profile picture for user Lien.VanderBiest Lien Van der Biest Van der biest Vlaams Instituut Gezond Leven
Profile picture for user peer.vanderkreeft Peer van der Kreeft University College Ghent, HoGent Social Work
Profile picture for user baravankova17 Barbora Viktorie Vaňková Charles University, 1 faculty of medicine
Profile picture for user ivcel79 Iliya Vasenkin Autonomous Nonprofit Organisation AIM Centre, for social and psychological support to people recovering from drug, alcohol and another types of addiction
Profile picture for user vas.katerina2001 Aikaterini Vasilaki Graduated from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Profile picture for user sumeyyevatansever.239 Sümeyye Vatansever Istanbul Erenköy Training and Research Hospital for Psychiatry and Neurological Diseases
Profile picture for user auravazeou Aura Vazeou Prevention center of addictions and promotion of psychosocial health "Athina Ygeia"/"Athina Polyvoulos", Athens
Profile picture for user jarmila.vedralova Jarmila Vedralova Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
Profile picture for user juanvella23 Juan Vella Foundation for Social Welfare Services - Agenzija Sedqa
Profile picture for user graca.vilar Graça Vilar General-Directorate for Intervention on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies
Profile picture for user vjvillanueva Víctor José Villanueva Blasco Universidad Internacional de Valencia