Pawan Shrestha Dependency scale Pawan Shrestha - 22 سپتمبر 2020 Can i please get the universal dependency scale for individual drug provided by ISSUP?
Edie Conference Programme Edie - 14 سپتمبر 2020 All the event details can be found in the conference programme. Programmes are available in: English French Portugese Spanish
Edie Find out About the Conference Plenary Speakers. Edie - 14 سپتمبر 2020 Over the course of the six plenary sessions, we will be joined by experts in the field of substance use prevention treatment and recovery from around the world! Find out more about our guest speakers here.
Edie Registration is now open Edie - 26 اګست 2020 You can register for the conference here. The workshop will take place online, with virtual presentations and discussions. There is no registration fee for participants.
Edie Welcome Edie - 26 اګست 2020 Welcome to the Drug Demand Reduction in Africa: Prevention, Treatment and Epidemiology Virtual Conference Network!