Prevention Systems: An ISSUP Scientific Council Discussion
Youth Voices in SUD Management: Challenges and Opportunities
Strengthening Substance Use Prevention in Tanzania through Evidence-Based Interventions
Prevención a través de medios de comunicación social
Estrategias de prevención laboral y el marco legal, basado en una experiencia chilena
Impacto de la Desinformación y la Información Errónea sobre Drogas en Niños y Adolescentes.
Community Mobilisation, Co-Development, and Program Evaluation: Experiences from STAD’s Community-Based Interventions
Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (23rd Session)
Highlights from the 2024 UNODC World Drug Report
Cigarrillos Electrónicos y Vapeadores: Una Mirada Desde la Prevención
Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids
The report, "Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis: Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids 2024 Update," examines the medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids, emphasizing their effects, efficacy, and the need for more rigorous research. Key...
Co-Creation in Community-Based Prevention
Building Inclusive Recovery Cities: An international movement for community building, recovery and prevention.
ISSUP, in collaboration with the Centre for Addiction Recovery Research (CARR), presents its webinar on Building Inclusive Recovery Cities.
This webinar combines key innovations in public-facing recovery programmes that challenge...
Challenges in Implementing an Effective Prevention Program
Intervenciones en trastornos por usos de sustancias (TUS): una mirada desde la Psicología y la Neurociencia
Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (20th Session)
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment for Substance Use. Part II: Introduction to Brief Interventions and Referral to Treatment
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment for Substance Use. Part I: Introduction to SBIRT and Screening Tools for Substance Use.
ISSUP Kenya/USIU-Africa World Mental Health Day 2023 Webinar
ISSUP Kenya and the United States International University - Africa co-hosted a webinar to mark World Mental Health Day 2023. The theme is 'Substance Use Prevention: A Responsive Strategy to Enhance Mental Health in Kenya'.
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