Supporting displaced people from Afghanistan and host communities in neighbouring countries – UNODC regional workshop on drug use prevention, treatment and care
From 5th to 9th June, UNODC organized a hybrid regional workshop with a total of 42 participants from the government, civil society organizations (CSOs) and UN agencies, to assist the strengthening of evidence-based prevention, treatment...
Highlights from the 2023 UNODC World Drug Report
UNODC supported delegations from four Central Asian countries in a high-level study tour to the United Kingdom
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia (ROCA) together with the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section (PTRS) organized a study tour for high-level representatives, including senior officials, policymakers and substance...
د سپیکرو لپاره غوښتنه: د 2023 ECOSOC ملګرتیا فورم کې اړخ پیښه
VNGOC د NYNGOC او UNODC مدنی ټولنې واحد سره یوځای د 2023 ECOSOC ملګرتیا فورم په څنډو کې د جنوری په 31 ، 2023 کې د سهار په 8.30 بجو د انلاین اړخ پیښه تنظیموی. د دې غونډې سرلیک: د مخدره توکو په پالیسیو کې د مدنی ټولنې مرکزی رول ، COVID-19 او...
د ایچ آی وی مخنیوی ، درملنه ، پاملرنه او ملاتړ د هغو کسانو لپاره چې د محرکو نشه یی توکو څخه ګټه اخلی
د ایچ آی وی د وبا له پیل راهیسې ، د ایچ آی وی د مخنیوی ، درملنې او پاملرنې تمرکز د هغو خلکو په اړتیاوو تمرکز کوی چې نشه یی توکی کاروی، او په عمده توګه په هغو کسانو باندې چې په نشه یی توکو کې پیچکارۍ کوی. په هر صورت ، ډاټا ښیی چې د ایچ آی وی...
د ملګرو ملتونو د نشه یی توکو د الاتو کیټ
د ملګرو ملتونو د نشه یی توکو د تصنع شوی توکی کیټ د نشه یی توکو د ستونزې د حل لپاره د هراړخیز ځواب د اقداماتو په پلی کولو کې د نړیوالې ټولنې ملاتړ کوی.
دا توکی د نشه یی توکو د مبارزې د کمیسیون په ځواب کې جوړ شو 8 / 61 ( 2018 ) او 4 /62...
Comorbidities in Drug Use Disorders: No wrong door
This discussion paper aims to highlight the evidence related to mental and physical health comorbidities in drug use disorders and to promote the development of innovative, evidence-based policies and practices to treat drug use disorders...
International Standards on prevention: What Schools Should Know
Treatment of Drug Use Disorders and Associated Mental Health Disorders in Prison Settings and Forensic Hospitals
This discussion paper was prepared by UNODC following various requests from the Member States for technical assistance on the treatment of drug use disorders and associated mental health disorders in prison settings.
This effort is related...
د نشه یی توکو د مخنیوی ، درملنې او د پاملرنې د ځوابونو په اړه د ۲۰۲۲ کال د UNODC د نړۍ د نشه یی توکو د رپوټ په اړه روښانه شوې پیښې
ISSUP د پنجشنبې په ورځ د ۲۰۲۲ کال د جولای په اوومه یو ویبنار وړاندې کړ ، چې په کې ګیوانا کمپلو ، د مخنیوی ، درملنې او بیا جوړونې برخې مشره ، د ملګرو ملتونو د نشه یی توکو او جرمونو په وړاندې کولو دفتر د ۲۰۲۲ کال د نړیوال نشه یی توکو د...
UNODC Training for Albanian Policymakers on the Nature, Prevention, Treatment and Care of Drug Use Disorders
UNODC organized a training for 19 Albanian policymakers on the Nature, Prevention, and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders from 12-14 April 2022 in Tirana, Albania. Participants from the Ministries of Health and Social Protection, Education...
National Round Table Discussion on application of new methods and tools of drug use disorders diagnostics and treatment in Uzbekistan
On 25 March 2022 the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia held a National Round Table Discussion on application of new methods and tools of drug use disorders’ diagnostics and treatment in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The meeting was attended by...
UNODC Trains Team of National Trainers from Central Asia within the Advanced Level of the Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use Disorders
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia supported a training of trainers (ToT) on Course 13 – “Contingency Management: A Reinforcement Based Treatment” and “Course 18 – “Clinical Supervision” which took place in person in Bishkek...
Join us at the COMMISSION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS this week!
Dear friends and colleagues,
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs is starting very soon! In fact, tomorrow, Monday, 14 March 2022.
Once again, all sessions, as well as the side events, are to be held online due to the pandemic. The good...
په بشری تنظیماتو کې د نشه یی توکو د درملنې په برخه کې د نادولتی موسسو پیژندل
د ملګرو ملتونو د مخدره توکو او جرمونو اداره او په ځانګړی ډول د مخنیوی د درملنې او بیا جوړولو برخه ( PTRS ) په بشری تنظیماتو کې د مادې د استعمال او د مادې د استعمال د بې نظمیو په اړه کار کوی.
په دې لړ کې، دوی د مدنی ټولنې د خدمتونو د وړاندې...
A series of videos on HIV prevention among people who use stimulant drugs
The UNODC Regional Programme Office for Eastern Europe (Kiev, Ukraine) and Charitable Fund "Humanitarian Action" (Russia) are launching a series of 8 animated videos on the provision of HIV prevention services for people who use stimulants...
UNODC Trains Team of National Trainers from Kyrgyzstan within the Advanced Level of the Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use Disorders
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia supported a training of trainers (ToT) on the Course 11 “Enhancing Motivational Interviewing Skills”. This course is part of the Advanced Level of the Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance...
UNODC launches new webpage to expand access to essential HIV health and social services
The UNODC Regional Programme Office for Eastern Europe (Kyiv, Ukraine), in cooperation with the Charitable Fund “Humanitarian Action” (Saint Petersburg, Russia), launches a new website on New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) (https://nps-info...
Website on new psychoactive substances
The web resource is divided into five sections: "Substances", "Prevention", "Resources", "Practice" and "Get Help". The Resources section contains videos on HIV prevention among people who use stimulants/NPS. This section also includes...
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