Examining the Role of Alcohol and Cannabis Use Patterns in Bystander Opportunity and Behavior for Sexual and Relationship Aggression
A study was conducted to examine how patterns of alcohol and cannabis use are associated with bystander intervention in situations involving the risk of sexual and relationship violence among college students. Researchers aimed to explore...
Trauma exposure across the lifespan among individuals engaged in treatment with medication for opioid use disorder: differences by gender, PTSD status, and chronic pain
Background: Limited research has been conducted on lifetime trauma exposure among individuals undergoing medication treatment for opioid use disorder (MOUD). A multisite study provided an opportunity to investigate the prevalence of...
Stigmatizing imagery for substance use disorders: a qualitative exploration
Trends in Alcohol-Related Deaths by Sex in the US, 1999-2020
Importance Alcohol consumption rates have been increasing among women in the US, which may affect mortality rates and sex gaps. Therefore, conducting a comprehensive assessment of sex differences in alcohol-related deaths is...
Use of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Among Adults With Past-Year Opioid Use Disorder in the US, 2021
Despite guidelines recommending MOUD, approximately 1 in 5 adults with past-year OUD received any MOUD. Furthermore, some groups were substantially less likely to receive MOUD, in particular Black adults, women, those unemployed...
Exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare and substance use service access among women who inject drugs: a qualitative study
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted healthcare and substance use services engagement, including primary and mental health services as well as residential and outpatient drug treatment. Women who inject drugs (WWID) face...
د جنسیت او جنډر اقلیت لویانو لپاره د میتود کارولو پایلې د ماشومتوب د منفی تجربو تاریخ سره: د سکوپینګ بیاکتنه
په چلند ، روانی او فزیکی روغتیا باندې د ماشومتوب منفی تجربو (ACEs) اغیزې په پراخه کچه څیړل شوی. د ورته په څیر ، دا خورا مهم دی چې د دوی اندازه شوی اغیزې ترکیب کړی ، په ځانګړی توګه د زیان منونکو خلکو کې. د دې سکوپینګ بیاکتنې هدف...
Formal mindfulness practice predicts reductions in PTSD symptom severity following a mindfulness-based intervention for women with co-occurring PTSD and substance use disorder
Women with co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorder (SUD) experience systemic barriers that place them in danger of poorer treatment outcomes. Some mindfulness-based interventions...
An Integrative Review of Measuring Caregiver Burden in Substance Use Disorder
Background: Family caregivers contribute to engagement in treatment and adherence, reduced substance misuse and relapse, and increased well-being of recipients with substance use disorder. However, providing care has also been...
Association of Cannabis Retailer Proximity and Density With Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Women in Northern California After Legalization of Cannabis for Recreational Use
This cross-sectional study found that, after the state-level legalization of cannabis for recreational use in California, greater retail availability was associated with higher odds of cannabis use among pregnant women; these results were...
Sex and Gender Effects in Recovery From Alcohol Use Disorder
The current article provides a summary of biopsychosocial gender differences in alcohol use disorder (AUD), then reviews existing literature on gender differences in treatment access, retention, outcomes, and longer-term recovery. Among...
په ښځو کې د سینې پر سرطان د الکولو اغیزې
په نړیواله سطحه، د سینې د سرطان څه د پاسه دوه میلیونه نوی پیښې په کال کې راپور کیږی. امریکا یوازی هر کال څه د پاسه ۴۹۶۰ نوی قضیې لری. په نړۍ کې د ټول نړۍ په کچه د 6.8 میلیونو قضیو په شاوخوا کې شتون لری. که څه هم د سینې د سرطان لپاره ډیر د...
د تراجنسیتی نجونو او پېغلو په منځ کې د غیر طبی نسخې د اپیډیا د استعمال د عواملو د زیاتوالی او خطر عوامل
اهمیت: د غیر طبی نسخو د اپایډ استعمال په متحده ایالاتو کې د عامې روغتیا مسله ده. د تراجنسیتی ځوانانو په ګډون د هغو نجونو او پېغلو په ګډون چې د زېږون په وخت کې نارینه وو ته سپارل شوې وې او په اوس وخت کې د ښځینه ، ښځینه ، تراجنسیتی ښځو...
Developmental Nicotine Exposure Engenders Intergenerational Downregulation and Aberrant Posttranslational Modification of Cardinal Epigenetic Factors in the Frontal Cortices, Striata, and Hippocampi of Adolescent Mice
Maternal smoking of traditional or electronic cigarettes during pregnancy, which constitutes developmental nicotine exposure (DNE), heightens the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders including ADHD, autism, and...
Tobacco Use Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Young Adults
It is recognised that smoking and use of tobacco products among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) young adults is higher compared to their heterosexual and cisgender peers.
Although it is believed that within the LGBTQ...
Use of Electronic Vapor Products Before, During, and After Pregnancy Among Women with a Recent Live Birth — Oklahoma and Texas, 2015
What is already known about this topic?
Most electronic vapor products (EVPs) contain nicotine, a developmental toxicant, and other harmful additives.
What is added by this report?
In 2015, 7.0% of women with a recent live birth...
د حمل نه مخکې ماریونا استعمال : د امیدوارو ښځو لیدلوری
ماریونا هغه درمل دی چې د امیدوارو ښځو لخوا کارول کیږی. د حمل پر مهال د ماری شیا د استعمال په عقایدو ، رویو او تجربې پوهیدل به د ښځو لپاره د انګېزه یی مداخلې په طرحه کولو کې له پراکټیسنو سره مرسته وکړی.

په یوه تازه کېمیاوی څیړنه کې ، چې د...
د امیدومینو ښځو له خوا چې د اوپیوګرافی د استعمال د بې نظمۍ سره مخ دی ، د غیر وژونکی زیات دوز د خطر عوامل او د هغوی د خطر عوامل
د امیندمنو ښځو په منځ کې د اپیډوییډ او یا نالوکسان د لاسرسی په اړه لږ څه معلوم دی.
د دې څیړنې هدفونه دا وو چې د غیر مرګونی زیات دوز ، د زیات دوز لپاره د خطر عوامل ، او د دریم مستر ښځو په منځ کې د نالوکسان لاسرسی د...
Family Rejection as a Predictor of Suicide Attempts and Substance Misuse among Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Adults
A study published in the LGBT Health Journal explores family rejection as a predictor for substance misuse in transgender and gender nonconforming adults.
Taking data from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey the study involved...
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