Free Resource for Evaluating Drug Prevention and Treatment Interventions
The Evaluation Instruments Bank (EIB) is an online database of freely available resources for evaluating drug prevention and treatment programmes and initiatives. You can search the archive by type of intervention (treatment or prevention)...
په مکسیکو کې د نشه یی توکو د ناوړه چلند لپاره د شواهدو پر بنسټ د عملونو د خپلولو لپاره چمتووالی او خنډ
Treating Alcohol Addiction with Positive Relationships
A ‘therapeutic alliance’, or in other words, a positive and trusting relationship between counsellor and patient, could be the key to successful treatment of alcohol addiction, according to a new study. Patients who reported a more positive...
EMCDDA Updates on Best Practice
A new European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) Best Practice report will be published in early 2017. It will take an in-depth look at substance use prevention in Europe.
The report's stated aim is "not to rate...
د بریښنایی سګریټو په اړه نوی انلاین سرچینه
Drug-Impaired Driving Toolkit
Research has shown that the problem of driving while impaired by drugs has become comparable in seriousness to alcohol-impaired driving. In order to inform driving school staff and young drivers about drug-impaired driving, the Canadian...
UTC and UPC in Paraguay
En un acto que se llevó a cabo en la sede de la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Católica “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción”, el Rector de la citada Universidad y el Ministro de la SENAD dieron lugar a la firma de un convenio de...
د دماغی روغتیا او د مادې استعمال : د ټولګی لپاره د مخنیوی لارښودونه
په دې وروستیو کې د لارښود ADEPIS یوه تفصیلی خپرونه خپره شوې ده چې موخه یې د ښوونځی د تنظیم په دننه کې د کار کولو لپاره د عملی لارښودونو چمتو کول دی چې د ماشومانو او ځوانانو د روانی روغتیا د مسئلی د مخنیوی لپاره د مادې د ناوړه چلند د پایلې...
The Cambridge Handbook of International Prevention Science
The Cambridge Handbook of International Prevention Science provides readers with a comprehensive global overview of the current status of prevention science. The handbook includes up-to-date research from more than 100 scholars from 27...
Lethal Highs: How U.S. Customs and Border Protection Laboratories Are Protecting America from Designer Drugs
This article summarizes the work of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Customs and Border Protection agency (CBP) in the area of counternarcotics. The CBP describes the challenges to addressing substance use when molecular...
Contingency Management and Drug Disorders
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) defines contingency management as “a general behavioural intervention technique used in the treatment of drug dependence … designed to weaken drug use and strengthen...
Are Drinking Cultures in the West Changing?
Levels of alcohol consumption have generally decreased in the West over the last ten years. A series of papers published in a recent special issue of Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy focuses on this topic of drinking cultures...
First Licensed Female Drug Treatment & Rehabilitation Center in Bangladesh
On September 18th, 2016 Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) obtained the license for its first Female Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center from the Department of Narcotics Control (DNC). DAM’s Female Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center is...
ایا د سټراټیژیک سټراټی په فرانسه کې د تنباکو او الکولی مشروباتو استعمال
که تاسو څخه وغوښتل شی د هغه شیانو لیست چمتو کړئ چې موږ یې د فرانسوی کلتوری پیژندنې ، شراب او سګرټ سره خورا ملګری یو شاید ب featureه وکړی. په هرصورت ، یوه وروستی سروې وړاندیز کوی چې ، لکه څنګه چې په ټوله اروپا کې قضیه ده ، په تیرو پنځو کلونو...
Derecho a la salud y tabaquismo en las Américas
Una audiencia histórica. Por primera vez, la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH), de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), en el marco del 157 Periodo de Sesiones, concedió una audiencia temática sobre tabaquismo ante...
What Are Kids Taking?
The results are in. The 2014 – 15 Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs Survey shows that, on the one hand, smoking rates are generally down, while on the other, experimentation with synthetic and prescription drugs is increasing...
The TV Made Me Do It: Children and Alcohol Consumption
New research published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs supports evidence that alcohol adverts influence underage drinking. The authors suggest that the more exposure children receive to adverts for specific brands, the...
د موسیقۍ ویډیوګانې کیدای شی د بینګ څښلو ته وهڅوی
لوړې شمېرې لوړیدو ته
Overdose Aware App
The Overdose Aware App offers practical advice on the signs of overdose and what to do if those signs are present. It aims to raise awareness among those who are experiencing drug use and their families. The App provides only information...
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