Criteria to be a Training Provider

Government Agencies (Government Training Partners – GTP)

Colombo Plan (CP) Drug Advisory Programme (DAP) conducts national training of trainers for the Universal Curriculum to Colombo Plan member states and other states as funding permits. Government agencies who are interested to disseminate the Universal Curriculum for Prevention, Treatment and Recovery in their country should contact their regional Colombo Plan focal point. Those who successfully complete the CP DAP training of trainers for the Universal Curriculum to carry out trainings on behalf of the national government in their own country are considered National Trainers.

Non-Government Organizations / Training Organizations

Qualified organizations in the drug demand reduction field can gain access to Universal Curriculum training materials for use to become training providers. As a Training Provider, the organization should meet the following requirements:

  1. Organization is recognized as a legal entity in their own country
  2. Organization has available at least three qualified trainers for that curriculum. For the UTC curriculum at least two of the trainers should have an ICAP credential or that country’s recognized equivalent certification. Approval as a training provider is curriculum specific.
  3. Must have organized and conducted one (1) international or two (2) national trainings or three (3) city wide SUD relevant training in the past two years.

Universities and other Education Institutions

Accredited education institutions can integrate the curricula into an existing course or a new course that can be offered at the undergraduate, postgraduate and graduate level. These education providers are required to demonstrate the relevance of their course by the description of the course, goals and objectives, the outline of the training course content and how the course relates to the Universal and related curricula. For more information contact: Carly Searcy at the International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR), at searcyc [at] icuddr [dot] org

Application Process

  1. Apply through the Training Provider Application link.
  2. Upload the CVs of the qualifying trainers and any relevant recommendations.
  3. Proof of legal entity (any one of the following: license or permit to operate, NGO registration, and/or accreditation certificate issued by a government entity, or focal point endorsement).
  4. Submit one-year training plan that includes schedule, target audience, and courses to be offered
  5. Contact DAP regional coordinator for review and qualification.


Upon review Training Provider coordinators may refer to several options

  • Government Training Partner – those governments that work with Colombo Plan to disseminate the Universal Curricula in their own countries through national trainers.
  • Training Organization – those organizations that have qualified trainers on staff and wish to train in cooperation with the Colombo Plan and the Global Center for Credentialing and Certification.
  • Education Provider – Universities and accredited education institutions that wish to incorporate the Universal Curricula into their related professional training or academic curriculum.

Renewal Criteria and Complaints Process:


Training Organizations will be eligible for renewal after three years provided they continue to meet the qualifications criteria as well as:

  1. Annually conducts at least two universal curricula trainings.
  2. Accredited trainers must have at least 30 hours of continuing professional development.
  3. Diligently adheres to the data submission conditions set forth in the application agreement.
  4. In case of deficiencies, a six-month probationary period may be given to the organization to meet the renewal criteria.


As the primary partner of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) in curriculum development and training dissemination, Colombo Plan DAP remains committed in protecting the integrity of its partner agencies including training providers. To ensure this, appropriate steps will be taken in cases where there are reports of non-adherence to the stipulations of the Training Organization designation.

  1. DAP will request from the reporting party proof to substantiate their claims.
  2. DAP will create a three team panel consisting of project managers and deputy directors to review the merits of the complaints.
  3. If the report is found to be without basis, DAP will dismiss the complaint and inform the petitioner.
  4. If the report is found to be meritorious, DAP will notify the Training Organization of the complaint and will give them 7 calendar days to respond.
  5. The three team panel will review the offense/s and will decide on the recommended corrective action/s to be taken by the Training Organization.
  6. The TO will be notified of the decision and will be requested to take appropriate action/s within the following time frame:
    1. First offense: 30 days
    2. Second Offense: 15 days
  7. In cases where the Training Provider has repeatedly violated the stipulations in the training organization agreement, TO status will be put on hold for an agreed period of time. During this period TO’s cannot conduct any DAP related curricula trainings.
This piece of content is not translated in Pashto. View the original content in انګرېزي here.