Substance Use Monitoring and Surveillance: Challenges faced by LMICs
Substance use surveillance has emerged as a crucial public health strategy across Africa, particularly in light of the alarming rise in substance use among adolescents (1). This trend poses significant health risks that require a...
Examining the Role of Alcohol and Cannabis Use Patterns in Bystander Opportunity and Behavior for Sexual and Relationship Aggression
A study was conducted to examine how patterns of alcohol and cannabis use are associated with bystander intervention in situations involving the risk of sexual and relationship violence among college students. Researchers aimed to explore...
Appropriateness to International Quality Standards of Treatment for Use of Psychoactive Substances of Community Mental Health Centers in three regions of Peru
Presented at Thessaloniki 2024 - Panel: "From Research to Practice: Insights from Global Initiatives".
Dr. Marina Piazza (⚑ Peru) 1, Dr. Cecilia Chau (⚑ Peru) 2
1. International Technology Transfer Center - Peru, 2. Pontificia...
2024 UNODC World Drug Report highlights, brief reflections.
The World Drug Report (WDR) is published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2023). It serves to collate data received from United Nations member states which enables the...
UNODC World Drug Report 2024: Harms of world drug problem continue to mount amid expansions in drug use and markets
EU Drug Market: Drivers and facilitators
EU Drug Market: Drivers and facilitators provides an overview of the key factors influencing the operation of the markets for illicit drugs in the European Union. It considers the changes and developments happening in the wider environment...
Relatório Europeu sobre a Droga 2024: Tendências e Desenvolvimentos
O Relatório Europeu sobre a Droga 2024: Tendências e Desenvolvimentos apresenta a mais recente análise do OEDT sobre a situação da droga na Europa. Centrando-se no consumo de drogas ilícitas, nos danos conexos e no fornecimento de droga...
A Collaborative Approach to Addressing Substance Use Among PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) Clients at the Sexual Health Promotion Clinic in Hanoi, Vietnam
Intervention to Reduce the Risk of Chemsex Behavior among Men Have Sex with Men in Ho Chi Minh City: A Controlled Intervention
The Implementation of Methadone Maintenance Treatment in Vietnam: A Scoping Review of Achievements and Challenges
Adaptation and fidelity to the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) of the Higher Technician in Prevention Career - Paraguay 2023
PREVDRUGS Program: University Extension on Drugs Use Prevention
Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids
The report, "Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis: Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids 2024 Update," examines the medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids, emphasizing their effects, efficacy, and the need for more rigorous research. Key...
Relatório Mundial sobre Drogas 2023 Examinando os Dados Webinar (Sociedade Civil & UNODC)- Instituto Dalgarno
Além do título de crescente uso de substâncias e táticas de "gerenciamento de danos", está o potencial proativo e eficaz da redução, prevenção e recuperação da demanda baseada em evidências.
National Drug Treatment Reporting System 2022: Alcohol Treatment Demand
In this bulletin, data on treated problem alcohol use for the year 2022 are presented, followed by trends for the seven-year period from 2016 to 2022.
The data are from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS), the national...
World Drug Report 2023
Repositório de Informações do Comité de Peritos da OMS para a Toxicodependência (ECDD)
Consumo de substâncias psicoativas em amostras da população escolar guatemalteca
Foi realizada uma pesquisa composta por 4 trabalhos de mestrado de graduação, com metodologia descritiva mista, que tratam dos diferentes fatores de risco que causam estudantes na Guatemala, que caem em problemas de uso, consumo e abuso de...
Epidemiologia do uso de opioides prescritos no Irã
O Dr. Jaleh Gholami apresentou na série de webinars NDARC na quinta-feira, 9 de março de 2023.
O Irã, localizado no Oriente Médio, tem uma alta taxa de consumo de opioides e diferentes padrões de uso de drogas. Neste webinar...
Moving towards a continuum of safer supply options for people who use drugs: A qualitative study exploring national perspectives on safer supply among professional stakeholders in Canada
Novel public health interventions are needed to address the toxic drug supply and meet the needs of people who use drugs amidst the overdose crisis. Safer supply – low-barrier distribution of pharmaceutical grade substances –...
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