Self-Regulation and Risk Behavior of Adolescents Aged 15–20
INTRODUCTION: According to Brichcín (1999), a self-regulating person is someone who can resist the temptation of immediate gratification of their needs and is capable of achieving challenging goals. Self-regulation represents the ability to...
Resilience and Depressivity among Czech Adolescents in Relation to Internet Gaming Disorder: Representative Sample
INTRODUCTION: Existing research highlights current issues in youth mental health that are often related to the overuse of modern technology, the experience of depression, or reduced resilience to mental stress. The main aim of this study is...
Technoference in Parents of Primary School-Aged Children and its Associations with Parental Problematic Screen Use and Sociodemographic Characteristics
INTRODUCTION: Parental technoference (PTF) refers to the behaviour of a parent who looks at the screen of their smartphone (or other electronic device) instead of their child’s face during parent-child interaction. The parent’s inattention...
A rationale for an orientation towards systems of prevention
Prevention aligned with science and standards advocates for a person-focused rather than a drug-focused perspective when articulating responses and services. Such a perspective follows a narrative that early initiation to substance use is...
FERYA [Active and Networked Families] – A Program to Empower Family Organizations for Environmental Prevention and the Promotion of Preventive Rights
Family involvement has proven to be a protective factor in childhood and adolescence, acting as a preventive barrier against risky behaviours, such as substance abuse and addiction, among minors and youth. Family- and community-based...
Relatório Europeu sobre a Droga 2024: Tendências e Desenvolvimentos
O Relatório Europeu sobre a Droga 2024: Tendências e Desenvolvimentos apresenta a mais recente análise do OEDT sobre a situação da droga na Europa. Centrando-se no consumo de drogas ilícitas, nos danos conexos e no fornecimento de droga...
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and its Specifics at Temporary Foster Care Institution in the Czech Republic: Study Protocol
INTRODUCTION: Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) is a condition unique to a newborn that results from the abrupt cessation of chronic intrauterine drug exposure following birth. Slightly persistent, late onsetting, or slowly fading-out...
Narcissistic Phenomena in Patients with Substance Use Disorder: Narrative Review
The interplay between pathological narcissism and substance use disorder (SUD) complicates diagnosis and treatment planning. A lack of clarity and consensus surrounding the different forms of narcissism has made it difficult...
Perception of Sport, Sports Betting, and Gambling from the Point of View of University Students – The Case of the Czech Republic
University students are one of the population groups that may be affected by the issue of sports betting and gambling. AIM: The main aim of this paper was to discover the overall perception of university students in the Czech...
Contribution of Gaming to Overall Leisure Screen Time in Primary School Children
This study aimed to (i) analyse the prevalence of gaming in young elementary school-aged children; (ii) assess the effect of gaming frequency on excessive screen use; and (iii) identify sociodemographic variables associated...
Handbook on Youth Participation in Drug Prevention Work
The goal of the present handbook is to offer encouragement, examples, rationales and concrete advice on how to increase youth participation in substance use prevention, harnessing the insights of young people on the most important target...
Novas orientações sobre álcool
"Beba Menos, Viva Mais" é a mensagem de uma nova campanha publicitária lançada pelo Centro Canadense sobre Uso e Dependência de Substâncias (CCSA) para promover a Orientação do Canadá sobre Álcool e Saúde. Com início no início de outubro, a...
Health & Wellness in Recovery: Programs & Topics
The American Addictions Centers provide insights into how a healthy diet and exercise can enhance overall health and recovery. This resource offers an overview of the root of addiction and how to overcome it through healthy life habits...
“It Looks Like an Accessory”: Perception of Heated Tobacco Products and its Marketing Communication among Generation Z
BACKGROUND: Heated tobacco products along with electronic cigarettes represent the current trend in nicotine use. These novel products are appealing to teenagers and young adults especially. Generation Z representatives are characterized as...
Kit de ferramentas pediátrico para envenenamento por cannabis
Pesquisas recentes revelaram um aumento nas hospitalizações infantis resultantes de envenenamento acidental por cannabis em várias regiões do Canadá. As crianças acham os comestíveis de cannabis atraentes devido à sua semelhança com...
Children and parents affected by drug use: An overview of programmes and actions for comprehensive and non-stigmatising services and care
After exploring the views of women and children, respectively, in Volumes II and III of this series, the fourth volume offers a perspective of how to develop more comprehensive, child-centred approaches in drug policies in general and in...
Listen to the silence of the child: Children share their experiences and proposals on the impact of drug use in the family
Following an initial publication in 2022 on children whose parents use drugs, the Pompidou Group has continued research on this topic by giving 110 women who use drugs, in 11 different countries, the opportunity to provide their testimonies...
Working with families: Reading list
Exploring the dynamics of substance use's ripple effect within families reveals a complex web of emotions, relationships, and challenges. These recommended readings explore the impact that substance use can have on family members. Through...
Como a mídia pode desempenhar seu papel na redução do estigma em torno do uso de substâncias
Neste blogpost, produzido por acadêmicos da Universidade de Stirling, os autores discutem a campanha See Beyond – See the Lives – Scotland , que envolve as histórias daqueles que ficaram para trás após perder um ente querido para o uso de...
Famílias de Cura, Sistemas de Ajuda: Um Guia Prático Informado sobre Traumas para Trabalhar com Crianças, Jovens e Famílias
Este guia está preocupado em avançar na compreensão e ação sobre abordagens informadas sobre trauma que apoiam programas e prestação de serviços para/com crianças, jovens e famílias. Uma abordagem informada sobre o trauma é uma abordagem...
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