ICAP Exams

ICUDDR´s Center for Credentialing & Accreditation (GCCC) will be offering the following ICAP examinations during the ISSUP Indonesia Regional Conference in Bali:

  • Treatment I–IV
  • Prevention
  • Recovery Support
  • ICAP-RN I (Nurses Only) (Application Process Pending - inquiries should be directed to (gccc_info [at] icuddr [dot] org (gccc_info@icu))

GCCC will be offering the ICAP Treatment I–IV, Prevention, and Recovery Support examinations during the ISSUP Indonesia Regional Conference in Bali. 

Date: Thursday, 18th September 2025 from 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Address: Jl. Kartika Plaza, South Kuta Beach, Bali, Indonesia

The deadline to submit applications and supporting documents is Monday, June 30, 2025 by 11:59 PM (GMT+5.30).

For your information the following PDF/scanned documents are required for upload as part of the application process. Applications without required supporting documents will be rejected.

  • Detailed CV of the candidate highlighting the highest education qualification and major subject of the highest education qualification
  • A letter from the candidate’s supervisor confirming that the applicant’s clinical/counseling experience took place in an organization that is legally registered and authorized (or licensed), in accordance with the country’s laws,
  • Narrative description of  work experience in the substance use sector in prevention, treatment or recovery support. 
  • A certified copy of the highest educational qualification (i.e. official diploma/degree) from the awarding institution, bearing the institution’s stamp.
  • Certified copies of relevant training certificates including all UTC, UPC, and URC basic and advance level training that include the awarded hours and dates of training. 
  • Certified copies of other relevant Diplomas/ University certificates and transcripts bearing the institution’s stamp.

If applicants find any difficulties/issues while submitting applications, emailgccc_info [at] icuddr [dot] org ( gccc_info[at]icuddr[dot]org). Once the application is approved, the applicant will receive a notification to pay the examination fee through the portal using a credit card or bank transfer.


This piece of content is not translated in Português. View the original content in inglês here.