OPCprep: An E-Delphi study to prioritize outcomes for the evaluation of Overdose Prevention Centres
Do you work in, use or design overdose prevention centres (OPCs)?
Do you work in a position directly related to the outcomes of OPCs (emergency service personnel, public health practitioner or policymaker?)?
Researchers at Queen's...
Open Consultation: UK clinical guidelines for alcohol treatment
The consultation on the UK clinical guidelines for alcohol treatment is now open.
Consultation description
This consultation asks you to review individual chapters from the draft UK clinical guidelines for alcohol treatment.
Each chapter...
Families Awareness Week 2023
Adfam is a UK charity tackling the negative effects of substance use on families and friends. This week is Families Awareness Week 2023 (26 June - 2 July), Adfam’s campaign to raise awareness of the 5 million people in the UK negatively...
The Anti-Stigma Network
The Anti-Stigma Network has been launched!
The Mission
The Anti-Stigma Network has been created by a group of organisations coming together with a shared mission.
Collectively they aim to improve understanding of the stigma and...
2022-2023 Medical Council on Alcohol (MCA) Legacy Essay Competition
It has been widely reported that youth alcohol consumption has decreased over recent years. What is the evidence to support this view? What are the implications for alcohol related health harm, promotion of safe drinking and health policy?
...Better Than Well- Recovery Programme to Support Students in England
The consequences of addiction to substances like drugs and alcohol, or engaging in certain behaviours like gambling, gaming, or sex, can be severe. Addiction is often a response to underlying trauma and social stressors, and continued use...
£421 million to boost drug and alcohol treatment across England
It has been announced that local authorities across England will benefit from an extra £421 million government funding through to 2025 to improve drug and alcohol addiction treatment and recovery.
The extra funding will enable the creation...
Минимальная цена за единицу алкоголя в Шотландии
Здесь вы можете прочитать информационный документ, составленный Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems, в котором рассматриваются минимальные цены за единицу продукции в Шотландии.
В документе представлен обзор следующих вопросов:
- В...
Шотландия начинает национальную кампанию по борьбе со стигмой наркомании
Употребление алкоголя и проблемных наркотиков являются важными проблемами в Шотландии, нанося ущерб жизни людей, семьям и общинам и способствуя насилию и преступности.
Стигма, связанная с употреблением психоактивных веществ, может не...
Drug-related Deaths in Scotland in 2020
In 2020,1339 drug-related deaths were registered in Scotland.
This is a 5% increase compared to figures from 2019.
Other key findings show:
- The number of drug-related deaths has increased substantially over the last 20 years – there...
Независимый обзор наркотиков в Англии Кэрол Блэк
Опубликована вторая часть «Независимого обзора наркотиков» Кэрол Блэк. Этот доклад является второй частью крупного независимого обзора профессора Кэрол Блэк о злоупотреблении незаконными наркотиками в Англии.
Первая часть обзора была...
Sourcing ‘what works’ evidence from 1 May
1. From 1 May 2021 there has been a change in how you can remain updated on UK-relevant research evaluating interventions to treat or prevent substance use problems and on the meaning and practice implications of the evidence...
Модель «Молодежь в Исландии» (YiIM) в Шотландии
Модель «Молодежь в Исландии» (YiIM, также известная как «Планета молодежи») представляет собой общинный подход, направленный на предотвращение употребления психоактивных веществ молодыми людьми путем снижения факторов риска и повышения...
Society for the Study of Addiction (SSA) Professorship Scheme
The ‘SSA Addictions Professorship’ scheme aims to support individuals who are already senior academics with established expertise and who wish to move to become part of UK academic growth in addictions research, but who would face potential...
South East Asian Fellowship Program on Drug Policy 2019
Calling Students- UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships
The UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship scheme (FLF) aims to support early career researchers and innovators with outstanding potential based in UK universities, registered businesses, and other research and user organisations.
It is hoped that...
Groundbreaking New UK Study Confirms Link Between Daily, High Potency Marijuana Use and Psychosis
Обследование Adfam: Состояние сектора поддержки семьи
Статистический бюллетень: Смертность, связанная с отравлением наркотиками в Англии и Уэльсе
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