Effects of Early Childhood Education Attendance on Achievement, Social Skills, Behaviour, and Stress
The impact of school attendance on the lives and development of students is hardly overestimated. Children go to school at an increasingly precocious age. With the universalization of access to Early Childhood Education (ECE), starting at...
Cigarette Flavors, Package Shape, and Cigarette Brand Perceptions
Objective: In 2012, a new Brazilian regulation prohibited the use of flavor additives in tobacco products. To better understand the potential impact of this regulation, this study examines how flavor descriptors on cigarette...
Advertising of Tobacco Products at Point of Sale: Who Are More Exposed in Brazil?
Objective: To describe the adult population perception of cigarette advertising at point of sale, according to their tobacco use status and socio-demographic characteristics such as sex, age, race/color, region, household location...
Students' Mental Health Disorders Linked to Higher Rates of Drug Use
A new study offers a glimpse into the link between mental health disorders and drug use among secondary school students in Brazil. Researchers at Columbia University and the Federal University of São Paulo found that students with symptoms...
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