
Adfam's Covid-19 Top Tips

The current global pandemic of the Covid-19 virus is resulting in unprecedented changes to peoples lives. Many of these changes will put an additional strain on the families of those with substance use problems, and already challenging...

Parenting under COVID-19

Families across the globe are adapting to changes due to (COVID-19). While isolation can represent an opportunity for families to spend time together, many caregivers will be experiencing conflicting feelings and priorities, as well as...

Vaping and Opioid Addiction Accelerate Coronavirus Risks

The coronavirus pandemic has presented a new challenge for public health services around the world. Although scientists are working tirelessly to comprehend more about the virus, there are still many unanswered questions. In a recent...

Viruses and Places of Detention

The nature of places of detention is that they are constructed to maximize public safety. This is highly likely to lead to people living in very close proximity of each other in often overcrowded conditions, which increases the probability...

COVID-19 Preparedness and Responses in Prisons

Close to 11 million prisoners worldwide — as well as the officers who are charged with ensuring their safe, secure and humane custody — must not be forgotten during the COVID-19 pandemic. Countries should recognize the particular risks...

Alcohol and COVID-19: What You Need to Know

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
COVID-19 is a global health crisis that is increasing the workload of healthcare professionals around the world. In order to support practitioners during these critical circumstances, it is essential that everyone is informed about other...

Second ISAM Webinar on COVID-19 and SUD: Recording & Materials

Video and audio recordings
The International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) recognises the heightened challenges the pandemic will pose for people struggling with Substance Use Disorders. In order to address the issue, they are holding a series of webinars with...

NAADAC COVID-19 Resource List

Health care professionals around the world are fighting tirelessly to reduce the harm that is being caused by COVID-19. Several public health organisations are creating and updating resources so that people can be updated on the changing...