We are pleased to announce that the ISSUP UK Chapter launch took place Thursday, 23rd. September at 2pm (GMT). The launch will be followed by a webinar on the topic of ‘Substance Use and Families’.
We are pleased to announce that the ISSUP UK Chapter launch will take place on Thursday, 23rd. September at 2pm (GMT). The launch will be followed by a webinar on the topic of ‘Substance Use and Families’.
The second part of Dame Carol Black’s Independent Review of Drugs has been published. This report is the second part of a major independent review by Professor Dame Carol Black into the misuse of illegal drugs in England. The first part of...
Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug and violence resistance educational program (PROERD) on short-term secondary outcomes, such as intentions to use drugs, attitudes toward drugs, school experience, and life...
Background: Tobacco smoking and e-cigarette use are strongly associated, but it is currently unclear whether this association is causal, or due to shared factors that influence both behaviours such as a shared genetic liability. The aim of...
Drug-related deaths can result in complex emotional turmoil for family members who are going through a grieving process at the same time as often experiencing a level of stigma. Despite the high frequency of drug-related deaths worldwide...
Abstract Background: Family caregivers contribute to engagement in treatment and adherence, reduced substance misuse and relapse, and increased well-being of recipients with substance use disorder. However, providing care has also been...
Experiences of childhood trauma (abuse and neglect) are disproportionately higher in those with opioid use disorder (OUD). Childhood trauma may affect the reinforcing and rewarding properties of opioid drugs and responses to pain, potentially via developmental changes to the endogenous opioid system.
Dianova International launched an online survey gathering information about how children's needs are being addressed in adult drug treatment programmes, and by identifying ways of promoting family-centred services respectful of the needs of...