

Responding to an International Need: INEP Plus

Opinion piece, commentary
The Introduction to Evidence Based Prevention (INEP) provides learners with the essential principles of substance use prevention. Developed by Charles University (CUNI) in Prague, the course content is based on the European adaptation of...

ICAP- Prevention Certified: My Journey

In May 2024, the National Authority for the Campaign hosted the first-ever National Drug Use Prevention Week. I had the privilege of co-hosting the event, where I shared my prevention story. Here's how it all began. A few years ago, NACADA...
ICAP- Prevention Certificate- Caroline Kahiu

Technology and Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

Opinion piece, commentary
In this article, Dr Goodman Sibeko considers how the SBIRT package might need to evolve in order to respond to an ever-changing landscape of technological influences.
Dr Goodman Sibeko ISSUP Greece Thessaloniki