
Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders. 

Field Guide to Drug Demand Reduction Program Development, 3rd ed.

The Field Guide to Drug Demand Reduction (DDR) Program Development is an annual publication by the U.S. Department of State primarily for its Embassy personnel abroad to guide in the development of substance use prevention and treatment...

Smoking Cessation and Weight Concern

Scientific article
The World Health Organisation has estimated that tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) is currently responsible for the death of about six million people globally each year, with many of these deaths occurring prematurely. Deciding and...

Effectiveness Bank Course on Drug Treatment Research

COURSE ON DRUG TREATMENT RESEARCH REACHES ITS CONCLUSION This instalment ends the 2018 refresh of the Drug Treatment Matrix, reminding you of the issues addressed in its five rows (listed below) intersected by five columns stepping up in...

Dying for a Drink

Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) has published its latest report, ‘Dying for a drink’. Scottish people tend to consume more alcohol than people in England and Wales. Alcohol is a harmful substance and, consumed in excess...

Novel Psychoactive Substances Symposium

Event Date
United States

The Center for Forensic Science Research & Education is hosting an international 2-day symposium on the status of the Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) crisis in the United States. The event will take place in Philadelphia on the 13th and 14th of November.

The focus of the event will be in on synthetic cannabinoids, opioids, benzodiazepines, stimulants and hallucinogens.

The symposium will cover the following topics: