
Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders. 

Drug Misuse and Dependence: UK Guidelines on Clinical Management

There is no more important document for doctors treating problem drug use in the UK than the so-called ‘Orange guidelines’. This major update will substantially inform judgements of what constitutes acceptable medical practice - should...

Tackling Youth Substance Use with 12-Step Programmes

Scientific article
A new study recently published in the academic journal Addiction suggests that substance use treatment programmes that incorporate 12-step practices, such as that used by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), are more effective for combatting...

Webinar: Alcohol Interventions for Males on Remand in Prison

Event Date
United Kingdom

Alcohol use and offending behaviour often go together. Data from the Alcohol and Crime Commission indicates that 70% of the prison population in the UK, who are mostly young males, reported that they had been drinking when they committed their offence.

The Role of Science in Addressing the Opioid Crisis

Scientific article
Opioid misuse and addiction is an ongoing and rapidly evolving public health crisis, requiring innovative scientific solutions. In response, and because no existing medication is ideal for every patient, the National Institutes of Health...

Alcohol Treatment Matrix Row 5: Safeguarding the Community

Time to consolidate the lessons of the course’s last five instalments about treatment intended to safeguard the community, the final row of the Alcohol Treatment Matrix. A common theme is the contradiction between treatment centred on the...

Quality Standards for Drug Dependence Treatment

The TREATNET Quality Standards are based on the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Principles of Drug Dependence Treatment and Care. They represent a set of evidence-based standards for drug-dependence treatment. Click here to...