
Opioid Abuse Linked to Heroin Use

Scientific article
New research published in the journal Addictive Behaviors has found the likelihood of 18- to 34-year-old nonmedical prescription opioid users having a prescription opioid use disorder has increased between 2002 – 2014. More specifically...

Are Smoking Bans Having the Desired Effect?

Scientific article
A new study carried out by researchers at Ohio State University and subsequently published in the Journal of Health and Social Behaviour shows how smoking bans in the United States have led to a decrease in social or light smoking amongst...

Reducing Alcohol Consumption Event

Event Date
United Kingdom

This free event will bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of excessive alcohol consumption reduction to discuss the latest research evidence and research evidence gaps. It

Webinar: Moving Evidence into Action

Event Date

Although rates of substance use have declined among youth in Ontario, Canada key issues such as alcohol and tobacco use continue to be a concern. Many sectors, including health, justice, and education, have a role to play in addressing these issues.

Student Smokers in US at All-Time Low

Scientific article
Smoking, and the desire to smoke, cigarettes amongst high school students in the United States is currently at an all-time low, according to a recent article published in Preventing Chronic Disease. The study found that between 2012 – 2014...

USA and Europe: Drug Use Compared

This month saw the release of the findings from the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD). The publication shows the country-by-country results for the use of various legal and illegal drugs. Thirty-five European...
ESPAD Report

Adieu to Stereotypes? Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption in France

If you were asked to provide a list of things we most associate with French cultural identity, wine and cigarettes would probably feature. A recent survey, however, suggests that, as is generally the case across Europe, alcohol and tobacco...
Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption in France

19th European Health Forum

Event Date
Bad Hofgastein

Life expectancy reaching a new high, changing fertility patterns, and internal and external migration leading to greater diversity are just some of the phenomena of demographic change currently being experienced in Europe. These all exert different pressures on European health systems, and innovations and visionary foresights are needed to turn these challenges into opportunities for sustainable solutions.

Higher Numbers Getting High

Scientific article
Marijuana use amongst adults in the United States is increasing. A study of over half-a-million people carried out between 2002 – 2014 and subsequently published in The Lancet suggests that this is because fewer perceive the drug to be...

Australia's Health Report 2016

The Health Report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare covers a range of health issues, including the health status of Australians, health expenditure, the major causes of ill health, determinants of health, health through the...
Australia's Health 2016