
Global launch of the 2021 World Drug Report

Event Date

The World Drug Report 2021 provides an analysis of the latest supply and demand of cannabis, opioids, cocaine and amphetamine-type stimulants.

Global Drug Survey 2021

The Global Drug Survey uses an anonymous online survey to conduct the world’s biggest drug survey. The annual GDS survey runs from the middle of November each year for approximately 6 weeks. GDS partners with global media giants to act as...

National Cannabis Survey, fourth quarter 2019

Statistics Canada has been conducting the National Cannabis Survey every three months since February 2018. The main objective of the NCS is to monitor changes in cannabis-related behaviours during the period preceding and following...

Statistics on Alcohol - England 2019

NHS Digital has released the latest statistical report on alcohol in England. The publication includes a range of information on alcohol use and misuse by adults and children. The report presents findings on: Alcohol relate hospital...

Nordic Workshop: Who Decides the Relevance and Validity of Knowledge?

Event Date

Objective: This small-scale 2-day workshop targets researchers interested in unfolding the relationship between science and policy-making in questions of public health and lifestyle regulation (concerning for example alcohol, drugs, and tobacco use; gambling; nutrition)

Youth Drinking in Decline

Event Date

Youth alcohol consumption is declining across most high-income nations, often alongside concurrent decreases in drug use and smoking. Researchers are increasingly focusing on the nature and underlying reasons for this decline.

The Kettil Bruun Society is holding a thematic meeting to discuss the nature of these trends.

The programme will be organised around the following themes: