The Commission holds annual sessions for the duration of one week in the first half of the year, as well as one-day reconvened sessions at the end of each year to consider administrative and budgetary matters. The Commission has a maximum number of eight working days for its session, pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution 1991/39.
The International Drug Policy Reform Conference is back from October 18-21, 2023, in Phoenix, Arizona. Save the date!
The Reform Conference is the world’s premier gathering of drug policy reformers to learn about drug policy and to strategise about ending the drug war and to mobilise reform to begin building a new world where health, equity, and human rights are front and centre, not punishment.
Building on CDP’s previous conferences, which have opened up questions of how drugs are problematised; how the complexity of drug use can be attended to; how drug use might be understood as an event, assemblage or phenomenon; how drugs and their effects are constituted in various forms of practice and interactions/intra-actions, and how we might rethink change.
With support from Movendi International Uganda Alcohol Policy Alliance present the Africa Region Webinars in the Alcohol Policy Event Series, which will the economic, social and environmental dimensions of alcohol use.