
Global trends in opioid medicine availability

Video and audio recordings
This webinar presented the latest global and regional trends in the use of opioid analgesics and explore issues related to availability. Around the world the consumption of opioid analgesics has been increasing, yet millions of people still...

Women, men and alcohol: Why is gender important in alcohol control policies?

Event Date

This webinar will raise awareness of the importance of gender when addressing alcohol-related harms, present current research evidence and share examples of how communities are addressing these issues.

Key questions to be addressed include:

what evidence do we have about whether gender impacts policies which seek to address alcohol availability, affordability and acceptability?

Grief: Helping Someone Else in the Aftermath of Loss

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
In the wake of loss, it can be hard to take care of those you care about who are grieving. As with self-care, there are many possible ways to offer support to someone who is grieving, and a variety of factors that affect how you can offer...

Grief: Taking Care of Yourself in the Aftermath of Loss

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
This factsheet, published by the National Centre for PTSD, discusses the ways in which we can engage in self-care in the wake of loss. The factsheet provides an overview of grief and some of the theories and processes that are associated...