
Prevention Portraits

Video and audio recordings
APSI is running a new series called Prevention Portraits, which includes a selection of informal interviews* with scientists, professionals and other stakeholders who are contributing to prevention knowledge and practice around the world.

Line Up Live Up

Sport can be a powerful tool to engage communities and prevent crime, violence and drug use among youth. As part of the Doha Declaration Global Programme, UNODC’s Youth Crime Prevention through Sport initiative has developed “Line Up Live...

Social Work and Policing Conference

Event Date

In this conference project partners in Austria, Belgium and Portugal will, first, present the curriculum for the SWaPOL training, and second, open the discussion about opportunities for similar cross-disciplinary vocational training between police and social work in Europe in the future.

Global Drug Survey 2020

Global Drug Survey (GDS) runs the world’s largest survey. GDS believes that the expertise and experience of people who use alcohol and other drugs can be used to inform the creation of better drug policy. The GDS 2020 includes data from...

Stigma Reading List

Reading List
Stigma is a complex construct that is present within societies at different levels. The impact of stigma can severely damage individuals and communities. People who use substances are often on the receiving end of stigmatising attitudes and...