
Resource Tool on Alcohol Taxation and Pricing Policies

Alcohol taxation and pricing policies have several public health, economic and social benefits as they have the capacity to: Generate tax revenue Reduce alcohol consumption and associated harms (covering both externalities and internalities...

One in Three: Adfam’s Manifesto for 2020 and beyond

Following the concerning findings that one in three adults in Great Britain have been negatively affected by the substance use of someone we know, Adfam has launched their 2020 manifesto. Adfam's five asks are: Make funding available for...

Cannabis and Adolescence: From Science to Clinical Practice

Event Date

Join the Department of Public Health & Primary Care for an open lecture "Cannabis and Adolescence: From Science to Clinical Practice" at Trinity College Institute of Population Health, Tallaght. The lecture will include perspectives from neuroscience and clinical practice. 

Speakers include:

Dr. Hugh Garavan, PhD- Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Vermont.

Drug Use Series from the Lancet Journals

Scientific article
Executive Summary The drug use landscape is dynamic and changing. Changes in public attitudes and laws towards drug use have occurred in an increasing number of countries. Global drug production and consumption are increasing as are the...

Why is Adolescent Drinking Declining?

Scientific article
There has been a notable decline in adolescent drinking in developed nations over the past two decades. Understanding the reasons behind this positive downward trend will help professionals support the continuation of this decline into the...