
Motivational Interviewing Toolkit

Motivational Interviewing is an integral part of SBIRT, and its principles can also be applied to other therapeutic interactions revolving around behavior change. The following materials, which have been developed by the Institute for...

The Future of Motivational Interviewing: Where to from here?

Event Date

Russell, Steve, Joel and a couple of very special guests will blast off to explore new directions, areas of research and outside the box ideas for the future of Motivational Interviewing.

Spontaneous contributions from our audience of space travellers will be most welcomed.

Toolkit for Opioids, Alcohol & Tobacco in HIV

The Yale Program in Addiction is pleased to make available resources from the Working with HIV Clinics to Adopt Addiction Treatments Using Implementation Facilitation (WHAT-IF?) multi-site study, for any HIV or primary care clinic seeking...

Màster en Addiccions- Universitat de les Illes Balears

Universitat de les Illes Balears Les addicions esdevenen un greu problema social que requereix una resposta en l'àmbit formatiu i especialitzat. Amb aquest màster canalitzam els fruits de la investigació científica entorn del camp de les...