
Drug Policy, Diplomacy and Public Health

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The 2016 United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the World Drug Problem set the tone for the drug policy reform debate but moving forward, many fear that this tone will be lost. In this 3-day course, we will explore questions such as:

The Addiction Worker Training Project

Scottish Drug Forum’s award-winning training and employment project for people who have a history of drug or alcohol problems is looking for participants in Dumfries and Galloway. The Addiction Worker Training Project (AWTP), run by...

Building Healthy Communities: Stories of Resilience and Hope

Event Date

The Mental Health Services (TheMHS) Conference is Australasia’s leading and most diverse mental health conference – and we will be holding our annual conference in Brisbane this August.

The theme for this year’s conference is ‘Building Healthy Communities: Stories of Resilience and Hope’.

6º Congresso Internacional Freemind 2019

Event Date
Águas de Lindoia

O Congresso Internacional Freemind já se tornou referência e hoje é considerado um dos maiores eventos sobre drogadição do mundo. Em 2019, o tema do nosso 6º Congresso será: “Perder o futuro seria uma droga.Qual o impacto do álcool e do tabaco junto aos nossos filhos”?Pretendemos propor uma reflexão sobre a grande tolerância existente frente às drogas lícitas e os danos que elas causam na sociedade.