
Dispelling Myths about Smoking, Mental Health/Substance Use Disorders and Recovery

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Adults with mental illness, including substance use disorder (SUD,) are at risk of dying 25 years earlier than the general population. The major contributor to this premature mortality is smoking-related disease. While cigarette smoking has trended downward in recent years, it is still highly prevalent in adults with mental health and/or substance use disorder (MH/SUD). 

Finding Ambivalence and 10 Other Things About Motivational Interviewing

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The greatest challenge using motivational interviewing (MI) may be finding the “true” ambivalence it’s supposed to address. This webinar is designed to assist clinicians who want to use MI effectively with clients with co-occurring disorders. By returning to the basics and exploring the areas of focus and evocation, each participant will learn when it’s appropriate to use MI.

Free Training for Frontline Practitioners

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United Kingdom

Adfam is working with relationship support charities Tavistock Relationships and One Plus One to deliver a free training for frontline practitioners working in London, Bristol and Leeds.

The training will focus on reducing the impact of inter-parental conflict on children in families affected by alcohol misuse.

A Guide to Using the Networks

Networks are online defined interest groups that allow health care professionals, researchers, practitioners and others working in the drug demand reduction field to share information.

Take-Home Naloxone Toolkit

The Improving Outcomes in the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (IOTOD) Take-Home Naloxone Toolkit contains guidance and resources on how to set up a take-home naloxone programme, in order to reduce overdoses and save lives. With the...

Hidden Harm Practice Guide

Parental problem alcohol and other drug use are associated with social, legal, economic and health-related problems. It can disrupt family routines and responsibilities, relationships with relatives and friends, and the family’s social...