
Smoking Cessation and Weight Concern

Scientific article
The World Health Organisation has estimated that tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) is currently responsible for the death of about six million people globally each year, with many of these deaths occurring prematurely. Deciding and...

Effectiveness Bank Course on Drug Treatment Research

COURSE ON DRUG TREATMENT RESEARCH REACHES ITS CONCLUSION This instalment ends the 2018 refresh of the Drug Treatment Matrix, reminding you of the issues addressed in its five rows (listed below) intersected by five columns stepping up in...

Preventing Overdose Deaths in Europe

There were over 9000 fatal overdoses in Europe in 2016. Tackling this concerning issues remains a key priority for public health policy. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drugs Addiction has published their latest perspective on...
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drugs Addiction has published their latest perspective on drugs titled Preventing Overdose Deaths in Europe