
Improving the Management of Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance use conditions

Event Date

This conference focuses on improving the management and outcomes of people with co-occurring mental health and substance misuse conditions, and managing demand during and beyond Covid-19 whilst ensuring adherence to the NICE National Quality Standard Coexisting severe mental illness and substance misuse.

KBS 47th Annual Meeting

Event Date

The Kettil Bruun Society are pleased to announce the 47th Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society: May 30 – June 3, 2022 in Warsaw, Poland hosted by the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology & the National Centre for Prevention of Addictions.

Opioid-related deaths: health and social responses

This miniguide is one of a larger set, which together comprises Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide 2021. It provides an overview of the most important aspects to consider when planning or delivering health and...

The ASAM 53rd Annual Conference - Innovations in Addiction Medicine and Science

Event Date
United States

The ASAM 53rd Annual Conference begins at 5:30 pm on Thursday, March 31, 2022, with an opening welcome reception. The conference concludes at noon on Sunday, April 3, 2022. Please note the pre-conference offerings take place on Thursday, March 31, 2022.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the conference, participants should be able to: