
Multiple health behaviour change: Perspectives from the field

Video and audio recordings
Presented by Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin (University of Newcastle), Dr Adrian Dunlop (University of Newcastle / Hunter New England LHD) and Dr Lawrence Dadd (Hunter New England LHD) by the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to...

ICUDDR/ISAJE Publishing Addiction Science Series

Video and audio recordings
Here you can find the recordings of the train the trainer webinar series on publishing addiction science. 1 Choosing a journal 2 Submitting your paper 3 Writing the introduction section 4 The methods section 5 Results Section 6 Discussion...

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week®

National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week® will be held March 21-27, 2022. Registration opens on November 1, 2021. Join NIDA for NDAFW and help share facts about drugs, alcohol, and addiction in your community. Sign up for the latest news...

LxAddictions22: Global addictions

Lisbon Addictions is a multidisciplinary conference that provides a forum for networking across addictions. Submission of abstracts Potential contributors are invited to submit abstracts for the following main areas/thematic tracks: Global...