Public health


Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction have released their first report on the medical use of cannabis. The report is part of a new series called Cannabis, Controversies and Challenges, and is designed to explore the...

Fact Sheet: Alcohol and Cancer

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
Drinking alcohol is a risk factor contributing to seven types of cancer. The more alcohol you drink, the greater the risk of developing cancer. This fact sheet, developed by Alcohol Change UK, explains how high these risks are, which types...

Fact Sheet: Alcohol and the Brain

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
Alcohol Change UK have released a fact sheet highlighting the various ways alcohol can affect the health of your brain as well as changes you can make in order to take care of this vital organ.

Coping Strategies and Support for Families in Goa, India

Scientific article
Alcohol addiction can put a significant strain on family relationships and well-being. There has been a substantial rise in alcohol consumption and alcohol use disorder in India. However, it is rare that the perspectives of family members...

Webinar: Living in a Cloud - Adolescent Nicotine Use

Event Date

Though adolescent cigarette smoking rates have decreased over the past four decades with fewer than 1 in 25 teens reporting daily tobacco use, e-cigarette use has increased two-fold. There are still lower rates of adolescent nicotine use overall, but a potentially dangerous trend has emerged with the increased use of vaping.