Public health


10th International Conference on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Event Date

COPD congress 2021 is a platform where you can meet experts and specialists all around the world. It’s a great opportunity to join a gathering of speaker’s discussion, delegates, young research talk, exhibitors, oral/ poster presentations, networking and additional advantages.

COVID-19 and Drugs in the European Neighbourhood: Lessons Learned from Ukraine and Georgia

Event Date

This webinar is part of the series of webinars that the EMCDDA has been organising over the past year around the theme of COVID-19. The purpose of the webinars is to help those working in the drugs field understand how drug users, and those supporting them, are coping with the pandemic and to share knowledge and experience.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Webinar

Video and audio recordings
Presentation from Dr Sharon Lambert, School of Applied Psychology, UCC exploring the assessment and impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences with the PSI Early Graduate Group.

Managed Alcohol Programmes

Video and audio recordings
Dr Hannah Carver (University of Stirling) presents research on Managed Alcohol Programmes: "Investigating the need for alcohol harm reduction and Managed Alcohol Programmes for people experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorders in...

HepHIV 2021

Event Date

The next HepHIV conference will take place 5-7 May 2021 involving participants from across the community, public health and the health system. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the HepHIV2021 Lisbon Conference will take place via a virtual platform. A Portuguese national meeting will be arranged if feasible