Public health


Parenting, Teens, and Alcohol

Video and audio recordings
Parents often receive conflicting information regarding what’s best for their child when it comes to alcohol. This session dispels a number of myths surrounding the topic and provides practical tips to parents for preventing alcohol use and...

UNODC Listen First Campaign

During the global pandemic in 2020, UNODC has focused the Listen First materials to increase support for prevention of drug use that is based on science and is thus an effective investment in the well-being of children and youth, their families and their communities, specifically during times of isolation and physical distancing.

Medical Council on Alcohol: Alcohol and Covid Webinar 2020

Event Date

As we enter the 2nd wave of the Covid pandemic, alcohol is much in the news. The relationship between alcohol and Covid is multi-faceted. There is evidence that alcohol consumption has increased during lockdown, as have mental health problems. Access to services has been impacted. Alcohol consumption may also increase the risk of infection, for instance by causing disinhibition and reduced social distancing.