The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Public health
National Drugs Library: The Irish Situation Factsheets
Men and Alcohol: Seminar Series IV
Men & Alcohol: what's next? This is the fourth and final event in the 'Men & Alcohol' seminar series co-hosted by SHAAP and the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS). An expert panel will discuss the following questions:
- How will men be affected by alcohol in the future?
How can alcohol-related harms to men be prevented or reduced?
Men, Alcohol & Health: Seminar Series III
This is the third of a four-part seminar series co-hosted by SHAAP and IAS (Institute of Alcohol Studies) to discuss issues relating to men and alcohol. At this session, three invited experts will discuss the following questions:
What role does alcohol play in men’s mental health?
How is men’s physical health affected by alcohol?
University of Salford Conference on Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
The UK has one of the highest estimated rates of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) in the world, but these conditions are commonly misunderstood, under-recognised and under-diagnosed.
Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences - Slideshow
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)- Evidence Briefing
16th World Congress on Public Health 2020
The 16th World Congress on Public Health will take place 12th-17th October 2020 in Rome, Italy.
Jersey and Guernsey Sign up to WHO's Tobacco Control
Webinar: Identifying and Mitigating Liability Risks for Excessive Gambling Behaviour
This webinar will provide an overview of casinos’ potential liability in negligence for contributing to the risk of excessive gambling, with comparisons to the well-established liability of licensed alcohol providers.
Risk factors include game design, loyalty programs, and an absence of harm-limiting mechanisms.