Public health

The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns. 

Alcohol Policy in Uganda

Harmful alcohol consumption remains a critical public health concern in Uganda. Despite efforts by the government to introduce policies that will improve the situation, alcohol companies are finding new ways to advertise and sell their...

What is the Link Between Unemployment and Alcohol Use?

Scientific article
Youth unemployment has remained stable at a high-level in many countries over the past several decades. Over the same period, evidence has emerged which suggests that unemployment can negatively affect an individual’s mental and physical...

Decisions to Use E‐cigarettes or Behavioural Support to Quit Tobacco

Scientific article
Tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive and can cause dependence. Although many people understand the negative health consequences of smoking for themselves and those around them, cutting down or stopping smoking can be highly...

Alcohol and the Nervous System

Event Date

The 2020 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Alcohol and the Nervous System will provide a unique forum to bring together a diverse range of young and established alcohol researchers and experts in complementary fields. 

Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting

Event Date
Washington, DC
United States

The Society for Prevention Research (SPR) 28th Annual Meeting will be held in Washington, DC, May 26 – May 29, 2020.

The theme for this year's event is “Why Context Matters: Towards a Place-Based Prevention Science.”