The relationship between mental health disorders and substance use and integrated approaches. .
Mental Health
Early Childhood Mental Health
Practical Recommendations in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
This presentation will discuss strategies for effectively assessing, conceptualizing, and treating co-morbid eating disorders and substance use disorders. The presentation will begin with a brief review of quantitative and qualitative assessment strategies, followed by a short discussion around case conceptualization.
Factors Associated With Mental Health Outcomes Among Health Care Workers Exposed to Coronavirus Disease 2019
WEBINAR: 'Update on Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) Curriculum'
The Center for Integrated Health Solutions (CIHS) developed the Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) curriculum to encourage enhanced resiliency, wellness, and self-management of health and behavioral health in people with mental illnesses and substance use disorders.
The COVID-19 Outbreak and Psychiatric Hospitals in China: Managing Challenges through Mental Health Service Reform
Health Matters: Smoking and Mental Health
Heavy Cannabis Use, Dependence and the Brain
AADANT Drug and Alcohol Conference 2020
The Association of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies NT will hold their annual Northern Territory drug and alcohol conference April 1-2 in Alice Springs at the DoubleTree Hilton.
There will be two streams at the conference: