Mental health


Youth Substance Abuse and Co-Occurring Disorders

70%–80% of adolescents with a substance use disorder also manifest comorbid psychopathology, known also as co-occurring disorders or dual diagnosis. Co-occurring disorders are the presence of one or more comorbid psychiatric disorders in...

Atención de las Urgencias en Salud Mental

Esta publicación forma parte de la serie “Recomendaciones para la Red Integrada de Salud Mental con base en la Comunidad”, y tiene como objetivo acercar sugerencias y recomendaciones como herramientas de trabajo que orienten a la asistencia...

Alcohol and NCDs – Harm and Solutions: Factsheet

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
IOGT International has released a new factsheet to illustrate how alcohol fuels the global NCDs tsunami – based on the latest scientific evidence – and to outline cost-effective solutions for change.

Leadership in Mental Health

Event Date

9th-20th December 2019

This course is an excellent opportunity to enhance your understanding and skills in the field of global mental health. The course takes place annually at Sangath, Goa, India, and it welcomes participants from across the world to share their experiences and learn collaboratively. SANGATH is now welcoming applications for this year's course.


Involving Service Users in Mental Health Policy Making

Scientific article
There has been increasing support for the engagement of people who use mental services in the process of policy improvement. It would seem to make sense that those most directly affected by policy responses should have their views...

ICCAD 2019

Event Date

Optimal-ICAAD is a platform dedicated to expanding knowledge, exchanging ideas, advancing wellbeing and the prevention and