UTC 22: Recovery management and Relapse Prevention provides a foundational understanding of recovery management and relapse prevention. It covers discussion on the process of recovery, the variance from treatment as well as the elements of relapse and relapse prevention.
This course is designed to provide the skills and knowledge to help individuals manage their own recovery by identifying relapse triggers, developing healthy coping skills and ways to manage recovery through individual, family and community approach. It also presents challenges and issues that are sometimes encountered in recovery management - issues such as dealing with mental health and physical health issues, the role that medication assisted treatment can play in recovery management and very importantly, the role of addressing trauma in recovery. This course also examines the role of peer support specialists and recovery coaches in helping support recovery from substance use disorders.
After completing the course, you will fill out a certificate request form. Your certificate will be emailed to you within one week of course completion.
This course is part of a training series developed through funding from the U.S. Department of State to The Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (DAP). More information on the Colombo Plan can be found at http://www.colombo-plan.org/.