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Barták, M., Rogalewicz, V., Petruželka, P., Prokop, D., Bicanová, J., Fabíšková, N., Korbel, V., Matic, S., Kortusová, P., Ferreira-Borges, C., Bach Habersaat, K., & Carlin, K. (2023). Behavioural insights into alcohol use among young adults in the Czech Republic: Study protocol. Adiktologie, 23(3), 233–239.
A recent survey of alcohol use in the Czech Republic representative for the adult online population presented some worrying findings about the use of alcohol during and in the last stages of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic among young adults. The goal of this study is to gain insight into the behavioural drivers of alcohol use among young adults in the Czech Republic, including the enduring effects of COVID-19 pandemic, and use these insight to make recommendations for policies, programmes and interventions promoting more healthy drinking patterns among young adults and mitigating...