
Implementation of Substance Use Prevention in Tanzania: UPC - Core Training

Tanzania had the opportunity to conduct a five-day Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) Core Training from September 23 to 27, 2024. The training was designed to equip prevention professionals with essential skills and knowledge to address substance use issues effectively. Participants included representatives from the Drug Control and Enforcement Authority (DCEA), the Ministry of Health, and the Tanzania Network of People who Use Drugs (TANPUD).


ISSUP Tanzania Host Africa National Chapters Meeting In Arusha, Tanzania

ISSUP held a Regional Meeting for its National Chapters in Africa from August 21 to 22 in Arusha, Tanzania. ISSUP Tanzania had the privilege of hosting this important meeting.


П'ять днів навчання з медикаментозної терапії (MAT) - MOROGORO

Медичні працівники клініки MAT у в'язниці Кіхонда в Морогоро отримали навчальний пакет MAT, щоб покращити свої навички для покращення надання послуг людям з опіоїдною залежністю. Значна частина контенту була взята з Універсальної навчальної програми лікування та представлена сертифікованими тренерами UTC.


Five Days of Medically Assisted Therapy (MAT) Training - MOROGORO

Health workers in MAT Clinic at Kihonda Prison in Morogoro received a MAT training package to enhance their skills to improve service delivery to people with opioid



On June 30, 2024, Tanzania marked the culmination of World Drug Day in Mwanza City. During the event, the Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania unveiled the "Tanzania Drug Policy," which underscores the importance of professionalism in addressing drug-related challenges. The event featured participation from governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as the broader community.


Needle and Syringe Programme Training

Needle and syringe programs (NSPs) are a type of harm reduction initiative that provides


Launch of ISSUP Tanzania

ISSUP Tanzania was officially launched on 27th November 2023. The National Chapter in Tanzania adds on to a total of 37 ISSUP National Chapters globally.

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