ПИТАНЯ експертних днів

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Ми раді оголосити про наш ПИТАНИЯ "експертні дні" на вебінарі.

Дні експертного дня надають можливості для тих, хто працює у сфері профілактики використання речовин, лікування та оздоровлення, щоб навчатися та розвиватися шляхом безпосереднього контакту з експертами.

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Попередній ПИТАНЯ експертних днів

Натисніть на посилання нижче, щоб знайти записи та ресурси з минулих днів експерту:

Ken Winters photo

Кен C. зима на підлітків розвитку мозку

Ken C. Winters, Ph.D. is a Senior Scientist at the Oregon Research Institute (MN location) and Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota. Dr. Winters retired as a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota, where he founded and directed the Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research for 25 years. Along with Kevin Sabet, he co-edited Contemporary Health Issues on Marijuana, published in 2018 by Oxford University Press. Dr. Winters has received numerous research grants from the National Institute of Health and various foundations and has published over 135 peer-reviewed articles during a 30+ year period.

Cary Hopkins Eyles photoКері Хопкінс Eyles на автентичний самодопомоги для професіоналів наркоманії

Cary has worked in the field of substance use disorders for 18 years. She is passionate about helping professionals in this field to take care of themselves so they can thrive and help those in need. Cary has worked in direct care in non-profit in the U.S., has run Residential, Outpatient, and Criminal Justice treatment programs, and has trained and mentored other substance use professionals. She is now the Deputy Director for the International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) and supports the development of addiction studies programs around the world. She is a global trainer in the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC).


Past ISSUP Webinars

ISSUP Tanzania webinar
, Online
Presented by: OMARY UBUGUYU, Dr. Elizabeth W. Njani, Radolf Nortey, Cassian NyandindiEvent language:


ISSUP Tanzania presents its webinar titled, "Strengthening Substance Use Prevention in Tanzania through Evidence-Based Interventions"
ISSUP Chile Webinar Flyer
, Santiago, Чилі
Presented by: Juliana Mejía-TrujilloEvent language:


ISSUP Chile le invita a su seminario web titulado 'Prevención a través de medios de comunicación social.'
ISSUP Chile Flyer
, Santiago, Чилі
Presented by: Marcela RodríguezEvent language:


ISSUP Chile le invita a su seminario web titulado 'Estrategias de prevención laboral y el marco legal, basado en una experiencia chilena'
ISSUP-RUN Webinar flyer
, London, Великобританія
Presented by: David Best, Chantelle Pepper, Mulka Nišić, Jimena Kalawski, Michael Botticelli, Boro Goic, Anja Busse, Matej Košir, Elisa RubiniEvent language:




ISSUP Global, in collaboration with the Recovered Users Network (RUN), presents a joint webinar titled "Building Bridges: Enhancing Global Recovery Systems for International Recovery Day " to celebrate International Recovery Day.
Alternatives to Incarceration.
, Washington DC, США
Presented by: Michele Worobiec, Yvonne Olando, Massimo BarraEvent language:




ISSUP, in collaboration with ICATI, presents the final episode of its ATI Basics webinar series, titled 'Models of Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI).
ISSUP ICUDDR Webinar flyer
, Stockholm, Швеція
Presented by: Johanna GripenbergEvent language:


ISSUP, in collaboration with ICUDDR, presents a webinar on Community Mobilisation, Co-Development, and Program Evaluation: Experiences from Stockholm Prevents Alcohol and Drug Problems (STAD)'s Community-Based Interventions.
ISSUP Nigeria Webinar flyer
, Lagos, Нігерія
Presented by: Honest AnabaEvent language:


ISSUP Nigeria presents the 24th session of its bi-monthly webinar in the Knowledge Update Series. This webinar will focus on the topic of 'Cannabis Use Disorder - Changing Trends and Treatment Approaches'.
ISSUP Argentina Webinar
, Buenos Aires
Presented by: María Verónica BrasescoEvent language:


ISSUP Argentina presenta su webinar sobre el Impacto de la desinformación y desinformación sobre drogas en niños y adolescentes.
ISSUP Global Webinar 28-08-2024
, Colombo, Шрі-Ланка
Presented by: Nathalie PanabokkeEvent language:


ISSUP Global presents its webinar on Enhancing Well-Being and Preventing Burnout Amongst Treatment Practitioners with Dr. Natalie Panabokke.
ISSUP Colombia Webinar flyer
, Bogota, Колумбія
Presented by: XOCHITL MEJIA MENCIASEvent language:


ISSUP Colombia presenta su su seminario web sobre Perspectiva de Género en el Ámbito de las Sustancias y las Adicciones.