Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking Alcohol
The guidelines provide health professionals, policy makers and the Australian community with evidence-based advice on the health effects of drinking alcohol.
The guidelines aim to help individuals make informed decisions about drinking...
Drink Wise, Age Well Professional Resources
The Drink Wise, Age Well programme supported people to make healthier choices about alcohol as they age.
The programme was designed to change attitudes, combat stigma and reduce alcohol harm in the over 50s so they can live longer...
قوم کی حالت
نیوزی لینڈ ڈرگ فاؤنڈیشن کی سالانہ رپورٹ کا تیسرا ایڈیشن دسمبر 2020 میں شائع ہوا تھا کہ نیوزی لینڈ شراب اور دیگر منشیات سے کس طرح نمٹ رہا ہے۔
اسٹیٹ آف دی نیشن کا مقصد ایک ایسا پس منظر فراہم کرنا ہے جس کے تحت ہم کسی بھی پالیسی تبدیلی کے...
Domestic Violence, Substance Misuse and Mental Ill-health: The Toxic Trio
Within research examining adverse childhood experiences, the toxic trio describes the risk of child abuse and neglect stemming from a child’s exposure to domestic violence, parental mental health issues and/or learning disability, and...
WiRED International Health Module on Quitting Smoking
Exploring the Impact of Work and the Workplace on Alcohol and Drug Use
There is growing evidence of the role workplaces play in shaping alcohol and other drug (AOD)-related behaviours and how to intervene to prevent or minimise problems.
This presentation outlines patterns and prevalence of AOD use among...
Motivational Interviewing Toolkit
Motivational Interviewing is an integral part of SBIRT, and its principles can also be applied to other therapeutic interactions revolving around behavior change.
The following materials, which have been developed by the Institute for...
Gender Differences and Stimulant Use
European and central Asian Countries Lead the Way in Cost-effective Alcohol Policies
A new report published by the World Health Organisation presents the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan...
Men and Alcohol: Key Issues Report Launch
The 'Men and Alcohol: Key Issues’ report brings together key findings from the 2019/2020 SHAAP/IAS Men and Alcohol seminar series, and makes recommendations for research, policy and practice. To view/download the report, click here.
A Culture of Prevention
A recent commentary in Prevention Science explored the concept of a culture of prevention and what that means to research and practice.
In this session, Dr. Zili Sloboda opened the discussion by providing a general overview of the issues...
Master’s Program in Addiction Policy and Practice
Georgetown Announces Master’s Program in Addiction Policy and Practice.
The new program seeks to build a national policy workforce to respond to one of the most untreated chronic health conditions in the United States.
'یہ ہر جگہ ہے' - شراب کا عوامی چہرہ اور نجی نقصان
الکوحل ہیلتھ الائنس یوکے (اے ایچ اے) شراب کے نقصان سے متعلق کمیشن کی حمایت کر رہا ہے: معاشرے پر شراب کے اثرات کی تحقیقات۔
کمیشن کو شراب کے نقصان کے بارے میں موجودہ شواہد، شراب کے نقصان میں حالیہ رجحانات اور شراب سے ہونے والے نقصان کو کم...
آسٹریلیا کی قومی شراب کی حکمت عملی 2019-2028
آسٹریلوی حکومت نے آسٹریلوی برادریوں میں شراب سے متعلق نقصانات سے نمٹنے کے لئے ایک نئی حکمت عملی جاری کی ہے۔ ان نقصانات میں تشدد، بیماری، چوٹیں، سڑک پر اموات اور ایک اندازے کے مطابق ہر سال شراب نوشی کی وجہ سے ہونے والی 4،000 اموات شامل ہیں۔
...Plenary 3: A Focus on Treatment and Recovery
Prices, Alcohol Use Initiation and Heavy Episodic Drinking among Chilean Youth
Research suggests that early initiation of alcohol use is a risk factor for multiple problems later in life, including heavy episodic drinking and alcohol use disorders.
Prevention scientists are particularly interested in understanding...
The Child Welfare Inequalities App
The CWIP App brings together around 16 different datasets at the local authority and neighbourhood level, with a range of features including being able to adjust for deprivation effects using the results from linear models calculated ‘on...
Knowledge Questionnaire on Viral Hepatitis for Drug Service Staff
This knowledge questionnaire has been developed by the EMCDDA as part of its initiative to increase access to hepatitis C care through drug services. The main aims of the knowledge questionnaire are:
- to refresh knowledge on...
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