
We are delighted to welcome ISSUP Türkiye National Chapter to the network. ISSUP Türkiye is hosted by the Addiction Psychiatry Association, Istanbul and is led by Rabia Bilici, President.
ISSUP Kenya cordially invites you to our upcoming webinar on October 24th, 2023. Gain insights from clinical practice, mentorship, and supervision programs that equip novice mental health professionals with practical skills.
¿Hacia donde vamos en la mejora de la política e intervenciones ? Mejoramiento continuo de habilidades técnicas de los gestores e implementadores de programas, proyectos y servicios. Fortalecimiento de la articulación interinstitucional, incluyendo a la sociedad civil y universidades.
Our team recently took part in the 14th European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR) Conference and Members' Meeting held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina from the 4th to the 6th of October 2023
ISSUP India Chapter has effectively organized a three-day training program for Master trainers on the NAVCHETNA Module from 04th - 06th October 2023 at SCERT, Delhi. The primary objective of this training was to enhance awareness and deliver education on life skills and drugs to students in schools. The training took place in two separate batches, with one batch conducted in English and the other in Hindi.
Welcome to this edition! It is our pleasure to bring you information on new job openings at The Colombo Plan, a report from ISSUP Malaysia on the success of the International
Estimado/a compañero/a, Solicitamos su colaboración en el “Estudio descriptivo sobre la situación demográfica y perfiles formativos de los y las profesionales de prevención de adicciones. Opciones de futuro”, promocionado y financiado por la Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (DGPNSD), con el impuso y gestión de la Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (FEMP) y la Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU), así como con la colaboración de un grupo de profesionales de reconocido prestigio en la prevención de adicciones en España.
In the lush surrounding of Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, a transformational event unfolded from September 18 – 21 – the International