
Lo afirmó la titular de la SEDRONAR durante la apertura oficial de un encuentro regional que se está realizando en la ciudad de Buenos Aires.
ISSUP are pleased to present the Second Session in the Webinar Series on Stigma and Substance Use. The Second Session will be hosted by ISSUP Nigeria on the topic of 'Stigma, Family and Community'.
Buenos Aires, April 17, 2023 - The Regional Conference of the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) will be held the week of April 19-21, 2023 in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Universidad del Museo Social Argentino (UMSA) will be the host institution for the event, which will feature various courses and trainings.
¡Les damos la más cordial bienvenida!
ISSUP The Gambia would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar on Cigarette/Nicotine use.
The International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) would like to share its intention to establish a National Chapter in Egypt.
La Sociedad Internacional de Profesionales del Uso de Sustancias (ISSUP) desea establecer un Capítulo Nacional en Panamá.
ISSUP has reached an incredible milestone - we now have over 30,000 members worldwide!
ISSUP Greece are delighted to announce that we have been selected to host the ISSUP Conference in 2024. We are thrilled to be chosen and planning will now commence in what we hope will be an unforgettable experience. More details to follow in due course.
Seminar on “Psycho-Education about Drugs and Child Abuse” for Drug Use Prevention In Schools, Colleges, and Universities organized by Department of Psychiatry Poonch Medical Collage Rawalakot-AJK in collaboration with ISSUP Pakistan Chapter and Pakistan Psychiatric Society at Rawalakot-AJK on 22-03-2023.