El trago estándar en México: Una herramienta para la prevención del uso nocivo del alcohol
Obra que explica los usos y aplicaciones del trago estándar para la prevención del uso nocivo del alcohol.
Obra que explica los usos y aplicaciones del trago estándar para la prevención del uso nocivo del alcohol.
El libro que el lector tiene en sus manos pretende reflejar el origen, antecedentes y estado actual a nivel mundial y en México de las terapias cognitivo-conductuales, así como los diferentes ámbitos a su alcance, de los cuales aquí solo...
Guía que ofrece información para madres, padres u otros responsables de familia, acerca de cómo abordar el tema del consumo de alcohol con sus hijos durante la etapa de pubertad y adolescencia, favoreciendo el establecimiento de límites y...
Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health provides evidence-based advice on alcohol to support people in making informed decisions about their health. The guidance is based on the latest research on alcohol-related risks and replaces Canada’s...
This guide highlights strategies for behavioural health and housing providers to conduct outreach and engage with individuals experiencing homelessness, initiate use of behavioural health treatment as they wait to receive stable housing and...
People with mental illness and/or SUD are disproportionally affected by HIV. They may participate in behaviours that increase risk for contracting and transmitting HIV, such as sharing injection drug equipment or...
This summary page, developed by HIV info and NIH’s Office of AIDS Research, explores HIV and substance use.
The fact sheet addresses the following questions:
A new publication by UNAIDS and the World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes the importance of integrating HIV and mental health services and other interventions, including linkages to social protection services, for people living with...
The launch of the new master's degree "Problematic Consumption of Psychoactive Substances from a Social and Health Perspective" was held.
Miriam Carrillo, Director of Prevention at Centros de Integración Juvenil, A.C. (CIJ, acronym...
This report focuses on children growing up in families affected by drug and alcohol dependence, as well as on the services, programmes and practices that help to protect childhood and guarantee children’s needs while, at the same time...
Community engagement is often cited as a tool to improve the health of the community and its members. This guide will review evidence related to leveraging community engagement to support the implementation and scale-up of evidence-based...
This guide, intended for parents, practitioners, and policymakers, begins with a list of 7 principles addressing the specific ways in which early interventions can have positive effects on development; these principles reflect findings on...
Over the past 25 years, there has been a significant focus on the need to address young people’s health and behaviour as a major and necessary part of the school curriculum.
The objectives for prevention have to include effective policies...
Alcohol is a discretionary, non-essential product that causes over 200 health conditions.1 The harm that alcohol causes to health, society and the economy is already well-known. However, the damage caused to the environment, sustainable...
Brief interventions are recognized by WHO as an effective measure to help people quit tobacco, reduce or stop alcohol use and increase physical activity. They can also help to achieve and maintain healthy eating behaviours and...
Documento del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia donde se presenta por primera vez un análisis de orden nacional consolidado de los cuatro censos de habitantes de la calle, contrastados con otras fuentes de información...
Documento del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia, de lineamiento para el cuidado de la salud mental y las armonías espirituales de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas en el marco del SISPI, en articulación con la política...
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