State of the Nation
The third edition of NZ Drug Foundation annual report on how New Zealand is dealing with alcohol and other drugs was published in December 2020.
The aim of State of the Nation is to provide a backdrop against which we can assess the impact...
Global Synthetic Drugs Assessment 2020
The Global Synthetic Drugs Assessment 2020 provides an analysis of the global synthetic drugs market.
- The first part of this report provides options for responses to counter the synthetic drug problem.
- The second part presents a global...
Global Drug Survey COVID-19 Special Edition: Key Findings Report
The GDS Special Edition on COVID-19 was developed as part of a global effort to better understand the impact of the pandemic on people’s lives with a specific focus on the use of alcohol and other drugs, mental health and relationships.
Webinar | The Prevalence of Substance Use Disorders in the Asia Region: A Two-Decade Perspective on New Tendencies and Substances
Looking back on 25 years of annual reporting on the drugs problem in Europe
In this brochure, the EMCDDA's Scientific Director takes us on a journey through 25 years of annual reporting on the drugs problem in Europe.
The journey begins with the first report describing the drug situation in 1995 and leads us, over...
European Drug Report 2020
European Drug Report 2020
How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting drug use, supply and services?
Drug use and harms
What are the health costs of drug use in Europe today?
Drug markets
What do the latest data tell us about drug...
Plenary 6: Review and Reflections - A Panel Session
Plenary 4: Epidemiology and Its Role in Drug Demand Reduction
Plenary 1: Setting the Scene for Drug Demand Reduction in Africa
Drug-related Deaths and Mortality in Europe: Update from the EMCDDA Expert Network
This publication provides an update on drug-related deaths in Europe, presenting and analysing the latest data and trends in drug-induced deaths and overall mortality among high-risk drug users in the European Union and beyond.
It draws on...
Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs in Australia Web Report
The consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs is a major cause of preventable disease and illness in Australia.
This report consolidates the most recently available information on alcohol, tobacco and other drug use in Australia, and...
Youth Substance Abuse and Co-Occurring Disorders
70%–80% of adolescents with a substance use disorder also manifest comorbid psychopathology, known also as co-occurring disorders or dual diagnosis. Co-occurring disorders are the presence of one or more comorbid psychiatric disorders in...
World Drug Report 2019
The World Drug Report aims at improving the understanding of the world drug problem and contributing towards fostering greater international cooperation for countering its impact on health, governance and security.
The World Drug Report...
ASH Fact Sheet: Use of E-Cigarettes among Young People in Great Britain
This fact sheet uses the ASH smokefree GB survey of 11-18-year-olds 2013-2019, and other sources, to examine evolving youth use of e-cigarettes in Britain in the context of changes in the regulation of e-cigarettes, and use of tobacco among...
Monitoring and Evaluating Scotland's Alcohol Strategy (MESAS) Report
February and March Editions of the Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) Monthly Report
The Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) & YOCFAN team have put together their latest monthly reports outlining the activity being carried out in the drug demand reduction field in Pakistan.
As well as providing details of the different...
GDS 2019 — Key Findings Report
Alcohol and Older People
Drug Use In Nigeria
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